Your Medicare Supplement Rates have been increasing every year and that once low monthly Medigap policy premium at age 65 is now much larger at age 76, 77, 78, 79 or 80.
All is not lost, there are still plenty of opportunities to lower your Medsup insurance rates if you take a few short minutes to review this article.
We will discuss the expert’s advice on how to obtain the Best Medicare Supplement rates for ages 76 to 80, below.
Best Medicare Supplement Rates For Age 76
By age 76, almost all people, whether male or female are experiencing some sort of a health issue.
We hear that many people simply don’t know that they would still qualify for a new Medigap insurance plan and are able to save large amounts of money on their rising Medicare supplement insurance premium costs.
If you check out our Medicare supplement rates by age, you will notice that not only do the rates increase as you get older, but there are still ways to increase savings and decrease spending.
There are look back periods on many of the health issues including strokes (as an example), so if you are past the look back period and do not take any of the declinable medications, you could get a policy at a preferred rate. Know that most companies will decline coverage for recent stroke incidents. Most companies do not offer a standard rate but instead decline all together. Our job as agents is to find the companies that ask the health questions to ensure them an approved policy.
Best Medicare Supplement Rates For Age 77
If you are enrolled in Medicare Supplement Plan F, you may want to consider changing to Plan G.
The only difference between plan F and G is the Medicare Part B deductible is $257 (with Plan G). When we move people form F to G, even if the deductible doubles, you are still saving money to move to G because the plan F premium is that much higher. No one will be able to enroll in Plan F after 2020 and those in Plan F will be Grandfathered in on Plan F indefinitely but they are going to raise the premiums to push people out. This is why you need to change from Plan F now! Premiums will increase and if you are not healthy you won’t be able to get out. Don’t get stuck because you are too sick to move.
Naturally, as people reach the age of 77 health issues begin to crop up.
After being enrolled in a Medicare Supplement Plan, to change policies and/or plans, your health will be the number one determining factor in this possible change.
In some instances, such as heart disease, if you are taking specific medications, all Medigap carriers will decline coverage.
However, if your heart issue happened years ago and you are healthy, it may not even affect your premium costs.
Check with a Senior advisor at Senior Benefit Services to see what the best Medigap rates are available for you at age 77.
Sample Quote: Male – Non-Tobacco – Living in Hagerstown, Maryland – No Discounts Applied
AGE 76 | $236.00 | $199.00 | $155.00 |
AGE 77 | $246.00 | $207.00 | $161.00 |
AGE 78 | $255.00 | $216.00 | $168.00 |
AGE 79 | $263.00 | $222.00 | $175.00 |
AGE 80 | $271.00 | $229.00 | $180.00 |
Best Medicare Supplement Rates For Age 78
Keep in mind that whether you are male or female, smoke cigarettes or have been a lifelong non-tobacco user, some medications can result in you being declined for a new Medigap insurance policy.
By age 78, it is very common for you to be taking some medications.
If you have high blood pressure and take medications for this health issue, most Medicare Supplement companies will decline your coverage.
Speaking with a Medigap Expert and getting advice on how your health can affect the potential of changing Medigap policies is the best way to get the lowest Supplement rates possible at age 78.
Best Medicare Supplement Rates For Age 79
As you approach a major age milestone at 79, you may want to stop and take a look at the best Medicare Supplement rates that are available to you.
Taking into consideration your present health, there could be quite a few options for you to choose with Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans.
Even if you have some health issues, such as diabetes, changing from Medigap Plan F to Plan G, may save you a bunch of money.
This could still be the case even if the companies rate you a bit lower for diabetes and charge you an extra 25% in premium costs.
Speaking with an Medigap expert cannot hurt if you want to get the best Medigap insurance rates at age 79.
Sample Quote: Female – Non-Tobacco – Living in Hagerstown, Maryland – No Discounts Applied
AGE 76 | $205.00 | $174.00 | $137.00 |
AGE 77 | $214.00 | $181.00 | $143.00 |
AGE 78 | $222.00 | $188.00 | $148.00 |
AGE 79 | $229.00 | $194.00 | $153.00 |
AGE 80 | $236.00 | $199.00 | $157.00 |
Best Medicare Supplement Rates For Age 80
Just because you are age 80 does not mean that you cannot save money by changing your Medicare Supplement plan.
Medigap insurance is available to anyone over 65 that qualifies for a policy, so long as a company will give them coverage.
Keep in mind that the policy you purchased maybe 15 years ago may be costing you much more than a Medicare Supplement Ins plan you could purchase today.
You won’t know if you don’t make a phone call and ask, ‘What do Medigap plans cost at age 80?’.
Taking Action!
Senior Benefit Services will be able to help guide you through choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan.
There are many factors that determine the Best Medicare Supplement Rates For Ages 76 to 80.
The Experts at Senior Benefit Services have been specializing in helping seniors make the best Medigap insurance choices for over 50 years!
Call now at 1-800-924-4727 or fill out the easy and convenient ‘Start Free Comparison’ form in this article.